Parking and 20mph zones in Chelmsford - we need your feedback

Are the existing Residents' Parking zones working? Do we need more 20mph zones? These are the questions being asked by west Chelmsford Lib Dem campaigners Cllrs. Jude Deakin and Graham Pooley.
Residents' parking schemes
It's been suggested that it's not working well in some streets, and that maybe there should be a larger number of zones each covering a smaller area or number of streets. Also there are streets where there is not a scheme at present that may actually need one. Jude and Graham have asked for a review of this as a whole alongside particular streets or very specific concerns.
20 mph zones near our local schools
That's always been difficult and longwinded to make happen, but recent changes mean that expensive and sometimes unpopular traffic calming measures aren't a necessity any longer. The next step is to see what you think, and a big positive reply in principle would help get the formal process started.
So please do take a moment to give us your thoughts - you can fill out the 20 mph survey here or email us at