SOS for the NHS - survey launched
Local Liberal Democrats are campaigning against cuts to the local health services. They have launched a petition and are distributing a Health Survey right across Chelmsford. "We want to give local people a chance to have their say on local health services and health policy in general," said Parliamentary Candidate Stephen Robinson.

Mr Robinson added, "We believe this will be the biggest consultation on health that has ever been organised in Chelmsford."

The survey asks for views on issues facing the local health service, including the privately-funded expansion of Broomfield hospital and the cuts needed to meet targets set by Whitehall.
The Chelmsford survey forms part of a nation-wide Lib Dem survey. Responses in Chelmsford will be added to those from elsewhere to form a comprehensive picture.
"The Liberal Democrats want to see good quality local health services here in Chelmsford and across the country," said Stephen Robinson. "After record increases in the amount of money going into the NHS, we are entitled to ask why things are not rather better. We see huge deficits; staff posts not being filled; hospital closures, and poor cleanliness."
The Lib Dems have launched a petition calling for:
1 An end to the cuts - hospitals are under threat, staff being made redundant and services slashed.
2 Cut the waste - While services are being cut the Government is spending millions on computer systems that have yet to deliver and botched reforms which don't help patients.
3 Give people more say - Under both Labour and Conservative Governments it has been Ministers that have ALL the say while local people have NO say. The Lib Dems want to see more control of the NHS in the hands of local people.
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