Time to tackle speeding traffic in north Chelmsford

Speeding traffic and near misses on the Copperfield Road zebra crossing have been reported before but seem to have picked up again. This has been a problem ever since Essex County Council took away the lollipop patrol at school times. Vehicles have been reported as speeding, failing to stop at the crossing and sometimes overtaking cars that have stopped. There have been similar reports at the crossing near Melbourne Avenue.
In 2021, the Lib Dem team persuaded Essex Highways to install “halo” beacons on the poles at the Copperfield zebra crossing. These work to improve safety at the crossing by making it more visible to motorists.
Cars losing control in Chignal Road also happens all too often. Last summer, a car heading north up Chignal Road failed to follow the bend to the right near Wicklow Avenue and ploughed into a boundary wall. This type of incident seems to happen about once a year, yet Essex County Council keep saying there isn’t a problem.
The Lib Dem team are considering whether a Speed Indicator Device - a sign that flashes your speed - would be helpful.
Let us know if you think speeding is a problem: www.cmld.org.uk/chignal-copperfield